SC Modeler License Options

Perpetual And Fixed Term Licenses

Perpetual License (PL) allows you to use the Software for as long as you continue to comply with the terms of the license agreement.

Fixed Term License (FTL) allows you to use the software module only for a limited period of time (the "fixed term"). At the end of the fixed term, your authorization to use the software module will terminate, and you must stop using the software module.

To continue or to resume using the software module, you must purchase a new FTL or convert to a PL, if such an option is available.

Named-User License

Named-User License restricts the use of the Software to the person who purchased that license. Only the designated Named-User (the "Licensee") may use or otherwise run the licensed Software.

The Software may be used by the Licensee for business and commercial purposes.

The Licensee may use the Software on more than one computer, at work, and at home, provided that multiple instances of the Software will not be used at the same time.

A corporation, L.L.C., or other organization must purchase a separate Named-User License for each employee using the Software.

Named-User Licenses are non-transferable.

Floating License

Floating License allows multiple users to share the use of the Software. N-User Floating License allows using the Software on any computer on a network as long as no more than N invocations of the Software are active.

For example, a company might buy a 10-User Floating License to support a user community of tens or hundreds of occasional users of the Software as long as no more than ten users ever want to use the Software simultaneously.

The Software must be operated and managed by a single corporate entity (the "Site"), located within an area having a radius of less than 50 kilometers.

The Software shall not be accessed concurrently by more than the number of authorized users for which the applicable license fees have been paid, nor shall the Software be accessed via a local area network by users who are located outside the Site.

The Software uses a license server to administer the number of concurrent users, including users on computers networked to the installation computer. The Software may be disabled in case of attempts to deactivate or bypass the software licensing system, including any hardware key supplied with the Software.

Personal Academic License

The following categories of users are eligible for a Personal Academic License:

Personal Academic License allows using the Software solely for academic research, teaching, and educational purposes in your department, college, or university. The research work must be hosted, sponsored, or administered by the university.

If a student uses the Software for a personal project for which he is not compensated, he qualifies for a Personal Non-Commercial Use License.

Personal Academic License is registered to an individual. Only this individual (the "Licensee") may use or otherwise run the Software. Licensee may physically transfer the registered version of the Software from one computer to another, provided that the Software may not be run concurrently (i.e., it may only run on one computer at a time).

Personal Academic version of SC Modeler is functionally identical to the regular commercial version.

AVM Dynamics reserves the right to change this policy without notice at any time.

The following restrictions apply: